Keehner Park Concert Series
Bring a blanket or chair and a picnic!
Bring a blanket, chairs and a picnic to enjoy great live music on the lawn of the park!
Summer concerts at Keehner Park showcase a talented lineup of musicians in a casual atmosphere. Bands play free, 7:00 p.m. shows outside on the Keehner Park Amphitheater stage, 7211 Barret Road. The Keehner Park Concert Series comes together select Saturday evenings starting after Memorial Day and going through the Labor Day holiday Monday.
There is no charge for admission and all guests are welcomed to bring food and drink for the evening. Sorry, but alcohol is not permitted in the park.
West Chester, Ohio welcomes the Big Trouble Blues Band!
For a calendar reminder sent to you before each weekend concert, subscribe to the West Chester Township COMMUNITY REPORT e-mail newsletter at
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