The WOLF (World of Land, Forest and Friends) program is for children ages 5 to 12 and focuses attention on a specific topic related to nature and the environment. Each of the classes for the WOLF program will be offered at 10:30 am and 1:00 pm on Wednesdays throughout the summer on the Amphitheater stage at Keehner Park, 7211 Barret Road. Participants who attend 5 of the 6 sessions will earn a prize.
This week's theme is Spiders. Special thank you to guest speaker J.T. Benitez who joins us from OSU Extension, Butler County.
Registration is required for all programs and space is limited. To register, call 513-759-7312 or email, and give the child's name, time and date attending and adult name & contact number or email. There is no charge associated with township programming.